Thursday, October 31, 2019

Law - Employment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Law - Employment - Essay Example This large segment of the workforce (sometimes referred to as 'atypical' or 'economically dependent workers') includes agency workers, casuals and freelancers. The issue is especially significant from the industrial relations point of view since economically dependent workers do not generally benefit from the protections granted to employees both by law and collective bargaining, including provisions on health and safety, information and consultation, working time, vocational training and social protection. In addition, they do not have the benefit of trade union representation. The real question from the standpoint of atypical workers appears to be; do they have, in effect, an implied contract of employment The contract of employment is accepted to be the basis of any actual employment relationship in the UK. Hence, it effectively becomes the principles of contract law that define every aspect of employment law. The courts, however, have consistently viewed the employment relationship as essentially different from most contracted relationships. This is essentially due to the fact that there is normally a distinct inequality in the actual bargaining power in such a relationship.1 Nearly one third of all individuals in the UK have working arrangements that are prone to difficulties when establishing employment status according to legal tests. These workers commonly fall between definitions of 'employee' and 'self employed' but are generally classified for legal purposes as 'self-employed'. According to Greene2, in the UK context they are most commonly termed (although not official classifications) as: 'dependent self-employed': workers who are classified as self' employed but who are often reliant on one employer 'false or bogus self-employed': an individual who objectively speaking is an employee but who, for reasons connected to the evasion of regulatory legislation is described as self-employed by themselves and/or by their employer 'borderline self-employed': an individual whose legal status (employee or self-employed) is unclear.3 The category of workers affected by this situation is broad, ranging from low paid manual workers to high-paid information technology staff, journalists and creative professionals. A worker defined as 'self employed' is usually barred from employment protection law, although they do pay lower rates of income tax and can claim back certain expenses against tax. Studies indicate that the majority of such workers in the UK are in Establish Employee Status 4 traditional job sectors (rather than high-paying creative and IT sectors). Their work is often characterised by less employment protection.4 Often these ambiguous training opportunities, increased risk of accidents, uninsured losses, longer hours and less working arrangements are compatible with those considered 'non standard', including casual, zero hours, home, agency, portfolio and freelance

Monday, October 28, 2019

Philosophy of Counseling Essay Example for Free

Philosophy of Counseling Essay The purpose of the school counseling program is to guarantee academic, social, and professional success among all students. School counseling is s collaborative relationship between students, school counselors, teachers, parents, administrators, and the community. Through these partnerships, the counseling program will develop a support system to enhance student achievement and promote growth of future productive citizens. The role of the school counselor is very active. School counselors must be an assertive advocate by creating opportunities for all students to foster their dreams and achieve their goals. A dedicated counselor plays a major role in the school through research, data, collaboration, individual counseling, group counseling, career planning, and caring for the students overall well being. The school counselor serves as a leader and team member; working with parents and school personnel to make sure that each student succeeds. Human nature can be viewed as all individuals are considered equally good. People are creatures of habit and learn from their cultural upbringings and the ones around them. Now days, students deal with poverty, single-parent households, thoughts of suicide, neglect, abuse and so much more. In this complex society, it is necessary to provide learning experiences which will empower the child to overcome life challenges and set achievable goals. Goals can be reached by change. I feel an individual can change through awareness and influence. Students have to want to change and be aware that there is a need for change. The role of the professional school counselor is to support and influence the student. Change is achievable by tracking data and giving constructive feedback. The counselor will assist student in their academic, social, emotional and personal change and help to decide the best ways to successfully achieve their goals. Disaggregating data is the foundation for the school counseling program. The use of these resources will track student progress and provide evidence for growth. Data also helps the school counselor understand what is and is not working in the counseling program. If a student is not successful then we are not providing the correct interventions for that particular student. The changing needs of students, families and schools require professional school counselors who are current with new counseling programs. These programs must focus of students academic, career, and personal/ social needs. I feel as society changes that the students are setting the new goals for the counseling program. It is essential for the school counselor to foster and set realistic achievable goals for the student.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Integumentary Organ System Biology Essay

The Integumentary Organ System Biology Essay The integumentary system is the organ system that is made up of the skin, which can be hair, feather, nails, and scales. The integumentary system is vital to an organism because it acts as a shield and protects the organism from the outside environment like the weather, infectious organisms and acts as an touch and pain receptor. The integumentary system consists of three layers: the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. The integumentary system is different for the four dissection animals. The earthworm has a moist, lubricated body to help it burrow through the earth. The crayfish has a hard exoskeleton, which really very different integumentary system than the other organisms, to protect itself from sharp objects and other predators. The grass frog has skin, which is waterproof to avoid water loss and dehydration. Lastly, the white rat has a short length of fur on the epidermis to aid it in maintaining homeostasis by regulating temperature. The advantages of these varieties in the organisms depend on the environment they live in. For example, the grass frog has a moist waterproof layer of skin because it lives in a wet habitat such as a pond or lake. This allows it to move in the water and come up on dry land if needed. The skin allows enough water to osmose into and hydrate the body but keeps excess water out. Some disadvantages of moist skins are that organisms will need to stay near sources of water or else they will get dehydrated and die. The earthworm who lives underground relies on its moist skin to be able to move through the soil. It also has the ability to create lubricating liquid which helps it move. An advantage it has is because its segmented, it is very flexible. However, the disadvantage is its size. Because the earthworm is so small and has little to no protection because of its thin layer of skin, it can easily be crushed by other animals. The crayfish relies on its hard exoskeleton shell for protectio n. It has tiny little hairs on its legs that can sense movements in the water. The disadvantage of the crayfish is that once the shell is gone, it will be exposed to danger and easily killed. The rat with its fur on top of a thin layer of skin can keep warm. It has whiskers on its snout and nails on its feet and the tail has rough hardened skin. A disadvantage could be wet fur can lower its body temperature. Also, with mouse traps like sticky ones, it can trap the rat because of its fur. As evolution made changes, it required new forms of integumentary systems. The first forms of animals which were fish were cold-blooded and up to the reptiles, they all had either scales or moist skin. As the earliest animals, they lived in the water and their scales confined them to the water. The amphibians lived mostly on water but were able to come up to dry land but not for long. The first class of animals that were warm-blooded are birds. They needed a way to keep a temperature that is at their homeostatic level so they have feathers. This helped them keep warm and also allowed them to fly. In mammals, which are also warm-blooded, have fur or hair. This allows them to keep warm and maintain homeostasis. The disadvantages of furred animals are if there is a sudden change in weather like a heat wave, then thickly furred animals will die from the heat. The integumentary system is a vital part of an organism which has its advantages and disadvantages depending on its environment. Muscle and Skeletal System The muscle system is the organ system which allows an organism to move. In vertebrates, the muscle system is controlled by the nervous system. There are three types of muscles which are: skeletal, cardiac, and heart muscles. The muscle system is very important to an organism because it provides strength, posture, and the ability to move for an organism. The skeletal system is the reason why an animal has its form and shape. It also acts as a protective cage for all the important and vital organs in the body. Also, it allows organisms to move the way they do. There are three different kinds of skeletons. The first one is an endoskeleton. An animal with an endoskeleton has a skeleton inside its body like a human being. The second is an exoskeleton, which occurs in animals like crabs. Last is a hydro skeleton, where there isnt really a skeleton but is a fluid-filled cavity. In our dissection animals, we can see that there are many differences in the animals muscle and skeletal system. The worm has a hydro skeleton body and it relies on its muscles to be able to move around by using muscular contraction. The worm has an advantage because it has a hydro skeleton which allows it to be very flexible. Evolution probably played a role in giving the earthworm an amazing ability. It has the power to regenerate lost segments in its body. It has great anabolic capabilities in its muscles, and in any case that it loses a couple of segments, then it can just regenerate it back. This can make up for its weak skeleton. Its disadvantages are it can easily be crushed because of its weak skeleton. In the crayfish, it has a exoskeleton which gives it good protection. Evolution played a role in making them have hard exoskeletons to survive in competitive waters. Also, because it has an exoskeleton it is an advantage and disadvantage. With its exoskeleton it has better pro tection but when it molts, it will be at its most vulnerable to predators and danger. The crayfish is divided into two segments: which are the abdomen and cephalothorax. It relies on its muscles in its eight legs used for moving around and a pair of strong pincers for getting food, attacking and defending itself. Also, it has a tail which is used to propel itself forward. The frog has a endoskeleton. It has long hind legs that allow to them to leap, jump, and swim away from danger. I believe that evolution has made frogs have strong powerful legs. Its long femur and powerful femur and tibias play a role in their survival. Last but not least, there is the rat which has a endoskeleton. The rat is similar to the frog but has smaller arm and leg bones and muscles. The rat relies on strong incisors and muscles for gnawing. Evolution played a role in rats because they must adapt to their food source. Therefore, they must have incisors which are accustomed to their food source. One last thing is the differences between invertebrates and vertebrates. Invertebrates are animals which have no back bone and vertebrates do. The worm and crayfish are invertebrates while the frog and rat are vertebrates. The muscle and skeletal system are important to organisms because they give them their form and shape and the ability to move. Also those two systems help them survive in their environments. Digestive System In all animals, the digestive system is an important system that breaks eaten food down into small enough pieces in order to diffuse into the cell and make feces as a way to get rid of the waste from digestion. This system is made up of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and the small and large intestine, rectum, and lastly the anus. Starting at the mouth when you smell the good food, your mouth will release an enzyme called salivary amylase that will lubricate the food so it will be able to go down the esophagus. After chewing and the food is drenched in the amylase, it will go down the esophagus. The esophagus is the tube like structure leading from the mouth to the stomach. The stomach is the organ that stores food, contains catabolic enzymes and produces acid to break down the food, and is responsible for killing microbes in the food we eat. When it leaves the stomach, the food would be in a liquid form and be able to enter the small intestine. There, the small intestine will finish the digestion process started by the stomach and further break the food down by the catabolic enzymes. Once the food is broken down into either disaccharides, fats, nucleic acids, or any smaller form, it will be absorbed and enter the blood stream straight into the cells to be used as energy. In the large intestine, any unabsorbed food, waste material, will be formed into feces. Also, it will reabsorb water and help create new good bacteria. Lastly, the feces will exit the body by the rectum, then out the anus into the environment. In the earthworm, we see a difference in the digestive system. It has a mouth, esophagus, but a crop and gizzard. The crop is where the swallowed food are stored. The gizzard is where all the food are broken down. Because the earthworm has no teeth, it uses rocks that were swallowed and its strong muscles to break down the food. It goes through the rest of the digestive process and the feces exit through the anus. For the crayfish, it uses its mandible and maxillas to take food in. It goes through the esophagus and into the stomach. The crayfish stomach is specialized to grind food up to be digested. It goes through the intestines, rectum, and lastly, out through the anus. In the frog, its long tongue snatches prey into its mouth, however it has weak maxillary teeth. It has the same digestive organs. The rat, has the same digestive organs as the frog. However, the liver is the largest organ in the rat. I believe for the rat, evolution made the rats liver larger because as rats became situated in the industrial and urbanized environment, it had to adapt to the new food sources, like trash and dirty food. Therefore, the liver became important in order for the rat to safely eat the food and not get intoxicated or sick. The digestive system is important to organisms because without them, there would be no way for them to survive as they wont be able to provide nutrients and energy to their cells. Respiratory System The respiratory system is the system in animals which is responsible for bringing in fresh oxygen to the lungs and to breathe out carbon dioxide. This system is made up of the nose, mouth, trachea, bronchi, lungs and diaphragm. In fishes they contain gills, and in some organisms, they do not have any respiratory organs and use the skin to take in oxygen. When animals breath in, oxygen would go into the nose then mouth. The air travels down the trachea and then into either the left or right bronchi then into the bronchiole tubes, which then leads into the lungs. The oxygen would then fill up tiny sacs called alveoli. As blood flows through the capillaries, oxygen will then diffuse into the blood, and carbon dioxide diffuses into the alveoli and travel out the respiratory system. In our dissection animals, we see a variety of differences. In the earthworm, it does not possess any form of respiratory organs. It only takes in oxygen through the skin and in return expels carbon dioxide with the same method. In the crayfish, its gills are responsible for getting oxygen. Gills act as filters that pushes water out and trap the oxygen from the water. The oxygen is then able to diffuse into the bloodstream and the carbon dioxide diffuses out. For the grass frog, it works the same way as the earthworm. However, in its early stages of life which is being a tadpole, it has gills. In its adult stage, it will be able to use its lungs and also take in oxygen by absorbing oxygen through its skin. In the rat, it is similar to a human being. It will breathe in oxygen through its nose then go into the trachea, bronchi, bronchiole tube, into the lungs, in the alveoli, exchange gases, then the CO2 will exit out the system. The differences in organs can relate to evolution. For example, when the frog evolved into its amphibious state, it needed to be able to breathe on land. Therefore, it went from gills, to lungs when it morphed into its adult stage. I dont think the earthworm and crayfish had any minor changes in their system because they have been on this planet for a long time and their environments do not require them to have any adaptations. Therefore, the respiratory system is a vital system to organisms because they are responsible for taking and exchanging the gases oxygen and carbon dioxide in our body. Circulatory System The circulatory system is responsible for circulating oxygenated blood throughout the body. The heart is the main organ which is responsible for this, and is also the second most vital organ in the body. The process of which blood travels throughout the body is first entering the right atrium, then down into the right ventricle, then into the lungs. As oxygen diffuses into the un-oxygenated blood by passing the alveoli, it travels back into the left atrium and down the left ventricle then out into the aorta for the whole body. In our dissection animals there are many differences in their circulatory system. The earthworm has five hearts in total. It has long blood vessels to carry blood throughout its body. In the crayfish, it only has one heart and is a two chambered heart. Blood vessels also bring blood throughout its body. In the frog, it has one heart and has three chambers. Blood vessels and arteries bring the blood throughout the body. Lastly, the white rat has one heart and is a four chambered heart. Blood vessels and arteries carry the blood throughout the body. The advantages of the different chambered hearts are that the more chambers there are, the more oxygen will be available to the blood. The disadvantages are there is less oxygen available for the blood to carry; for example, the frog has a three chambered heart. In the ventricle, the oxygenated and un-oxygenated blood will get mixed and therefore, carry less oxygen. I think that evolution played a role in evolving the organisms hearts, because animals like the rat that require quick movement, needs more than two chambers to provide sufficient oxygen throughout the body to function at its best. In conclusion, the circulatory is a vital organ in an organism which provides oxygenated blood throughout the body.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Old Man and the Sea :: Essays Papers

The Old Man and the Sea The Old Man and the Sea Hemmingway, Earnest FVL Library 138 pp. The main theme of Hemmingway's The Old Man and the Sea, is not an easy one to pick out. At first glance the book seems to simply be a story about a guy who goes out and battles with a fish. However, there has to be some underling theme. It could be the relationship between a boy and a man, and how both are treated by nature. This is illustrated by the boy's parents not allowing him to continue with the unlucky old man. It is also shown by the success the boy had and the failure the old man experienced after their parting. Still through all of this the boy remembers how well the old man treated him and does everything he can for the old man. On the whole, I liked this book. It was written in relatively easy to follow language, yet Hemmingway was still able to convey unbelievable images of picturesque settings in the reader's mind. There is also an interesting use of dialog, not only between the boy and the old man, but es pecially with the old man talking to himself. This is something I really haven't seen used that extensively. I think Hemmingway used this to fill in the parts of the story where the old man is simply at a stalemate with the fish, when he is just sitting there being pulled around the ocean. The one thing I didn't understand about this one sided conversation was the constant reference to Joe DiMaggio. I don't know if this was simply a tribute to a great ball player, or some kind of historical reference that I just didn't get. The pace and general flow of the story was good. There were a few times during the struggle where the action all but disappeared, but on the whole there was almost always something happening. The plot was also pretty simple and easy to follow. Another quality of this book which I have seen in others I have previously read was the complete lack of a male-female love subplot. As I have said before, this often times just messes things up. In this case the only love affair was between the old man and fishing. However I would not say there was love between the old man and the fish.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Perspectives and approaches to management theory Essay

1. Why is it important to understand the different perspectives and approaches to management theory that have evolved throughout the history of organizations? Management is constantly changing. It changes over time to meet new needs. if we know what happened in the past (WHAT WORK/ WHAT DIDN’T) WE WILL be able to understand the present and plan for the future. Some ideas from the past (stock ownership, open book management) are still relevant to management today. it is also important for us to understand the evolution of management because it allows us to learn from the mistakes made by others, so as not to repeat them and use the success in order to use them at the appropriate time. 2. How do societal forces influence the practice and theory of management? Do you think new management techniques are a response to these forces? Social forces deal with the society. The people in the society their beliefs, culture and needs. so new management techniques are a response to these factors because management is always evolving to meet new needs of society. 3. Based on your experience at work or school, de-scribe some ways in which the principles of scientific management and bureaucracy are still used in organizations. Do you believe these characteristics will ever cease to be a part of organizational life? Discuss. Scientific management and bureaucracy are still use in organization today, for example we are still operating in a bureaucratic way when it comes to the education sector in Belize. There is the main boss and we always look up our bosses they are the single authority figure. In system work is assign and authority is clearly defined. 4. A management professor once said that for successful management, studying the present was most important, studying the past was next, and studying the future was least important. Do you agree? Why? Yes I agree to this statement because if we know what has occurred in the past, what work well and what didn’t we will be able to learn from the mistake made by others and use there success as a spring board to our success. The future is most important because it is the situation were in now, if we know what work we will be able to make wise discussion in the present and plan smartly for the future. 5. Which of the three characteristics of learning organizations do you find most appealing? As a manager, which would be hardest for you to adopt? Why? The characteristic that I find most appealing is the team based, I find it appealing because it deals with team work employee work hand in hand to get the task done. As a manager I would find the employee empowerment most difficult bec ause here it unleashing the power and creativity of employees by giving them the freedom, resources, information, and skills to make decisions and perform effectively do believe that it could at times become coatic and would bring about many conflicts. 6. As organizations become more technology-driven, which do you think will become more important—the management of the human element of the organization or the management of technology? Discuss. I believe that the management of technology is more important because in the world around technology is advancing day by day and we need to keep up with it. Technology helps in some many ways it makes life easier and speeds up work as a result allowing you to meet organizational goals quicker 7. Why do you think Mary Parker Follet’s ideas tended to be popular with business people of her day, but were ignored by management scholars? Why are her ideas appreciated more today? In the days of Mary Follet management was done the old way, where there were strict rules and procedures. A task was given to you and you were to get it done without asking questions or saying anything. Now Mary Follet view that workers should analyse there job for improvement because they are the one that wil l do the job so they should know the best way to improve the job. This is now heading towards modern management that while her ideas are wide appreciated today. 8. Explain the basic idea underlying the contingency view. How would you go about identifying the key contingencies facing an organization? The basic idea underlying the contingency view is that there is no one set way to organize. Managers should analzie there situations well because what work for someone else may not work for them. They need to identify patterns and characteristics and find a stable solution 9. Why can an event such as the Hawthorne studies be a major turning point in the history of management even if the idea is later shown to be in error? Discuss. The Hawthorne studies can be a major turning point in history of management because i believe this is where the shift towards mother management began. The focus was now on the individual It was discovered that employees behaved differently because they were treated differently. The strict manager was not there but a motivating one instead so the employees perform better. 10. Identify the major components of systems theory. Is this perspective primarily internal or external to the organization? Explain. The system theory composes of five components Inputs Transformation Process Outputs Feedback Environment. it take input such as resources and finance from the external environment turns it into output product or service through the transformation process and the gives feedback. 11. Do you think management theory will ever be as precise as theories in the fields of finance, accounting, or experimental psychology? Why or why not? Management theories will never be precise. We live in an ever changing world and managers are force to keep up with it so there are times that they will need to adapt ne strategies to fit their situation. People are always finding new ways to do things and no one way is best so i believe that it would be an on-going process. 12. To what degree do you think that effective control comes from within the individual worker, or do workers need rules, rewards, and punishments to perform effectively? Explain your reasoning I believe that we should start adapting new management where team work is key. Rules, rewards and punishment are part of old management. i believe effective control comes from within an individual because if your happy with what you do you will do it to the best of your ability. On the other hand is you’re in a bureaucratic system you will just get the job done because you need to.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

010 Intro to Review and Small Change Professor Ramos Blog

010 Intro to Review and Small Change Quick Write Argument Reflection Fill out the grading rubric for your argument essay. Quick Write What is activism? What are modern protests that you can think of? Gladwell â€Å"Small Change† Malcolm Gladwell â€Å"Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted† (399) Gladwell discusses the arguments promoting social media as a key component in social activism starting in paragraph 7. He says, â€Å"The new tools of social media have reinvented social activism. With Facebook and Twitter and the like, the traditional relationship between political authority and popular will has been upended, making it easier for the powerless to collaborate, coordinate, and give a voice to their concerns.† He discusses revolutions in Moldova and Iran and quotes a former senior State Department official who believes social media can be used to fight terrorism. He  brings up these opposing views (his â€Å"they say†) after an extended description of the Woolworth’s lunch counter sit-ins. He begins to refute these views in paragraph 8. 2/2/60 Greensboro, N.C.: A group of Negro students from North Carolina AT College, who were refused service at a luncheon counter reserved for white customers, staged a sit-down strike at the F.W. Woolworth store in Greensboro 2/2. Ronald Martin, Robert Patterson and Mark Martin are shown as they stayed seated throughout the day. The white woman at left came to the counter for lunch but decided not to sit down. Sit-in participants are bullied and have food and drinks dumped on them. Intro to Review A review, or evaluation, combines the skills of close critical reading with the skills of argument. Evaluations are very common in the real world. Someone is always ready to tell us what could be done differently, or better. An evaluation is a researched argument, mainly focusing on a small range of primary texts: a movie, a book, a short story, a TV show, a product, a text, a painting, a picture, etc. An evaluation offers a judgment, after a close critical reading. The criteria for this judgment should be fleshed out with support and evidence drawn from the primary texts. Evaluations are fun to read and write. They can be contentious and are often inflected with personal opinion. We evaluate, or review, everything from pizza, restaurants, movies, and even professors. Commentary and criticism of all sorts just happen. Doing them well is another matter. Rate my professor:    Requirements 1,000+ Words 1+ Images 1-2 Primary texts 1-2 Scholarly sources 1-2 Reliable sources MLA Style Parts of the Assignment Rough Draft 20 points Peer Review 20 points Final Draft 150 points IGN Dracula Untold Review

Monday, October 21, 2019

One Super Sized America Burger, To Go †English Essay (100 Level Course)

One Super Sized America Burger, To Go – English Essay (100 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers One Super Sized America Burger, To Go English Essay (100 Level Course) Even though there are concerns about obesity and its effects on health, the American people have never been fatter. Due to low cost of high fat foods and low wages that help in our decision to eat unhealthy the United States has become one of the chunkiest nations. In today’s society being obese also helps one to become an outcast, some people ridicule, tease, and ostracize those who are considered obese. Also in our society today there is an ideal image, that image is of a thin, healthy, fit person. That image is projected on billboards, TV commercials and in movies. Obesity has become a growing epidemic due to the low cost of high fat foods, lack of time and places to exercise, and the fast easy diets that fail to produce results. Never before has fast food been so cheap and so fast. Fast food restaurants are popping up everywhere. Fast food joints are in malls, schools, along the highway and just down the block from your home. And never before have Americans been so fat. Obesity has become a major outbreak and a major health problem. Due to these three factors, cheap high fat foods, lack of exercise and diets that don’t work obesity has become an American epidemic. But it is something we have to live with in today’s society. First of all high fat foods have never been so easy to make and so easy to sell. They are cheap and you get a lot for your money. Meijer just ran an ad for its store in town, the ad at the top of the page was, 10 for $10 and the 11th one is free (on select items). You can bet that the deal did not include any produce of fresh foods. The 10 for $10 deal included Little Debbie’s, Lays Stax Potato Chips and 2 liters of 7-up pop. Those items that were included in the 10 for 10 deals are some of the unhealthiest foods around; they did include some healthy food choices like juice and carrots. The majority of items in the ad were for prepackaged foods that were high in fat. A big deciding factor in the products we buy is cost; we want the most for our money. As a result of the low cost and high content of the packages they are one of the biggest hits in a grocery store, but they are helping to cause people to over eat and become obese. One way to beat obesity is to stay fit and healthy, people need to exercise and do some physical activity. As Americans we are constantly working the day away, we often leave little or no time to eat healthy. Exercising consumes much of our time out of the day and to some people it can become a hassle. There are those who work all day, so when they want to go to the gym it’s closed. Children in schools are not getting the proper amount of exercise to burn off their calorie in take for the day. In the documentary Super Size Me by Morgan Spurlock, he points out that only one state in the United States demands physical education for grades K-12 and it’s also the fattest state, Illinois. The fact that children are not shown how to exercise and what to eat is a major problem it shows that what they do in that physical education class is not helping. Those children need to learn why it’s a good idea to stay healthy and to eat right. Instead of exercising people are trying to take the easy way out by going on a diet. They want to lose the pounds fast and with as little effort as possible. That’s where gastric bypass surgery comes in; it’s an operation where the size of your stomach is changed from the size of a wine bottle to that of a shot glass (Newman 48). It alters the size of the stomach so the person who has the surgery cannot eat as much, thus causing them to lose at least two-thirds their excess weight in the year following the operation (Newman 48). The operation is a last ditch effort to lose the pounds, it is more expensive then a member ship at a gym. Research Papers on One Super Sized America Burger, To Go - English Essay (100 Level Course)Genetic EngineeringThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraTwilight of the UAWIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalResearch Process Part OneStandardized TestingPETSTEL analysis of India

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Lord Of The Flies Essays (1176 words) - English-language Films

Lord Of The Flies Essays (1176 words) - English-language Films Lord Of The Flies The Truth Within Lord of the Flies, is the story of a group of boys of different backgrounds who are stranded on an unknown island when their plane crashes. As the boys try to formulate a plan to get rescued, they begin to separate, and a band of savage tribal hunters are formed. Eventually the boys almost entirely shake off the civilization of the world they once knew. When all the confusion of behaviour leads them to a manhunt the reader realizes the sudden decay of law and order and loss of civilization when adults aren't among them. Which also brings out the underlying savage side existent in all humans. In Lord of the Flies, there were numerous themes that were portrayed throughout the novel. The Need for Civilisation, is the most obvious theme. Our beliefs were always lead to believe that man is innocent and that our society is evil. But what the statement is hiding from our peers is that without laws, rules, and order, our world would revert to a more primitive part of his nature. Which of course is a more darker and cruel place to live our lives. There aren't any grown-ups. We shall have to look after ourselves.1 The Innocence and the Loss of It is the existence of civilization that allows man to remain in captivity with his innocence or ignorance about his true nature. Although man needs civilization, it is also important that he be aware of his primal instincts. As William Golding the author of Lord of the Flies stated, This loss of innocence by coming to terms with reality is necessary if humanity is to survive Which is, to reach true maturity you must first realizes the reality of our world today, as it is not the same as it was many years ago. I'm not going to be part of Ralph's lot He looked along the right-hand logs, numbering the hunters that had been a choir. I'm going off by myself. He can catch his own pigs. Anyone who wants to hunt when I do can come too. He blundered out of the triangle towards the drop to the white sand.2 The Loss of Identity is the most common one among us as we are faced with different surroundings and environnement We are taught are taught to make choices our whole lives and when we come the situation to make them on our own we freeze not knowing what to do, therefore they follow the lead of the next and in the case of Lord of the Flies they drive each other wild until the only way out is to kill. They smell me. They see me, I think. Something pink, under the trees. He made one cheek and one eye-socket white, then rubbed red all over the other half of his face and slashed a black bar of charcoal across from right ear to left jaw. He looked in the mere for his reflection, but his breathing troubled in the mirror.3 Power is used centrally to focus in on their leadership and loyalty. There is a kind of power used by every character which allows the reader to establish a well- balanced scale to which upon they meet with their expectation and judge against the civilization today. You see that democratic power is shown when the boys are faced with their own choices and decisions, and than they are faced with the power to be a leader or a follower and deal with the discrimination forced upon them by those who fear rejection. They have an inner strength that pushes them to blend with the others to make the matters clear of danger. This'll be a real hunt! Who'll come? Ralph moved impatiently. These spears are made of wood. Don't be silly. Jack sneered at him. Frightened? Course I'm frightened. Who wouldn't be?5 I'm chief. We've got to make certain. Can't you see the mountain? There's no signal showing. There may be a ship out there. Are you all off your rockers? 6 Fear of the Unknown evolves around the boys making attempts to catch the beast. As the story unravels the reader realizes that put in a position to capture a beast you are struck with a certain

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Personal Developement - Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Personal Developement - - Essay Example It should be result oriented and goal driven. The success in time management is measured by the quantity of productive work attained and the persons’ private life. I attained this by developing a personal sense of time, identified long term goals, medium term goals, planned for the day, made the best use of my best time, managed meetings, delegated effectively, made use of committed time, and finally managed my health. This view is supported in the work of (Adair, 1990:24). Personal development plan Purpose in life: born to ensure that I live a purposeful and fulfilling life. Dreams: to effectively get along with others Short term goal: to be decisive and determined person Long term goal: to achieve leadership and team building skills. Beliefs and values: make effort while keep on striving Success and milestones: can identify needs, can overcome challenges, and act friendly. Task 2 Skills are the learned capacity or having that ability to carry out pre-determined results with minimum outlay of both time and energy. Therefore, these are abilities that one possesses. Skills can be categorized as domain general or domain specific skills. This view is supoorted in the work of (Lussier, 2011:56). Unlike some of the general skills in the work environment comprise of time management, team work, and leadership, and self motivation, the domain specific skills would be useful for a certain job or activity. Moreover, skills need a certain environmental stimuli and the situations to assess the skill level being shown and used. Some of the skills include labor skills, life skills, people’s skills, social skills, soft skills, and communication skills. Skills assessment helps you to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your skills. People are more likely to be contented with career choices that are consistent with values, interest and skills. Skills assessment helps you identify the useful skills that you may possess. Skills development is the adding valu e to the skills that you have and also learning about new skills through training and development programs. Teaching of a new skill is attained through verbal instruction, demonstration, video, diagram, and photo sequence. Some of the skills that I possess with other students include cognitive skills, perceptual, motor, and perceptual motor. Many organizations require a person who is team player, has leadership skills, and has personal integrity. Integrity is the building block of peoples’ skills. This means there basic honesty and truthfulness when dealing with others. Therefore, skills like openness, determination, resourcefulness, and being realistic is paramount in any professional set-up and as an individual because most of the times you are meeting people (Lussier, 2011). By personally taking the initiative to develop my skills I worked on my character and skill development by choosing to design a life that honors our values and purpose. The possession of soft skills ha s much of an impact on your success as your

Friday, October 18, 2019

Working With a Family Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Working With a Family - Article Example This essay stresses that the migrants are given the opportunity of quality houses and also other social resources. More so, the migration network always paves way for the new migrants to gain information that is related to other economic opportunities and employment that is known to them. For the Political Reasons, these migrants tend to move from one country to another by force. This is due to the constellation of the various interrelated political events like violent persecution, war, oppression, tribal conflicts or unresolved religious and, life-threatening conditions. This paper makes a conclusion that there are three non-mutually principal motive that explain the differences of the migrants. More so, there are also theoretical explanations that can facilitate effective intervention and practice among the policy planners and social work practitioners. These are: Social Assistance, Legal Support and Social support. These are just ways in which these migrants can be supported in three deferent ways. For social support for example, there can be a widely establish social network that can help the migrants to secure jobs within their reach. For legal support, migrants; legal status are of great influence to their adaptation in the society. Economic Assistance involves the ability to improve the lives of the migrants. As a social worker, these are the things that should be given first priority when dealing with migration issues that affects the migrants.

CIPD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

CIPD - Essay Example Leading HR The remaining eight professional areas in which the HR professional provides specialist support to the organizations are: Resource and aptitude Planning: This area represents delivering efficient manpower service to the organization through effective aptitude planning. Learning and development: This area of professional HRM services provides learning and development programs for enhancement of knowledge and skills of the employees. Performance and incentives: This area provides evaluation and implementation of performance based incentive program in the organization to motivate the employees. Employee commitment: This service delivers effective evaluation of the extent of commitment of each and every employee to the organization. Worker Relations: This service conducts effective both way communication systems in the organization aims to develop good employee relation in the organization. ... It is a broad area that involves evaluation monitory and non monitory motivations required, conflict resolutions, effective organization culture and ethical hr code of conducts. The eight behavioral traits spread across the Band 1 to Band 4 that need to be exhibited by the HR professionals in order to contribute to organizational success are given as follows. Personal credibility: It is one of the most important traits of individual employees and for that reason it needs be appreciated by the organization through effective reward systems. Collaboration: This trait helps to improve group work and collaborative work output. Curious: Curiosity is one of the important traits of employees for enhancement of skills and knowledge. Courage to challenge: This trait helps an employee to take new tasks easily and comfortably. Skilled influencer: This trait is most essential for team lead, project coordinator or a manager to motivate his or her own team members and get the work done easily. Role Model: This trait is most important in any organization using it as inspirational tool for all employees. Band 2: knowledge and activities in Employee engagement The professional area of employee engagement in Band 2 has been considered to be the most essential in the role of an HR professional. The HR professional is also required to provide solutions in order to maintain a productive work environment and sustainable business. The workplace consists of a diversified group of workers with difference in education, background, culture and most importantly future ambitions. The engagement with the employees would provide the knowledge on the existing gaps in the system and the actionable that is required to maintain a healthy work environment. The HR professional should have

Business Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Research - Essay Example Speaking in the terms of economics we need to strengthen first the factors of production to set up a new venture namely land, labour, capital and organization; be it either service oriented or manufacture based or even trading. The first and foremost necessity is the project with clear layers of strategic growth. One has to acquire land that covers building and machinery for the initiation. After the acquisition of the land, the entrepreneur has to move on proper legal documentation such as â€Å"Registration of the Firm†. Once the registration is done furnishing its source of fund, annual estimated turn over, chain of man power and delegation of responsibilities we can precede further. Then it is important needs to the source of raw materials that have to be procured from the possible cheapest region with the lowest cost of transportation. Eventually we need a clear road map to market our product. Thus, every entrepreneur set the bridge of profit across the flow of the possib le consumers.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Investigating Japanese Banking Sector Competition - A panel data Dissertation

Investigating Japanese Banking Sector Competition - A panel data approach - Dissertation Example Introduction Albeit the Japanese economy has been long hailed as the model of success in Asia, the transition towards a market oriented economy has not been smooth. Despite of the ravages left in the aftermath of the 2nd world war, the 1960’s and 1970’s saw Japan attain enormously high rates of economic growth (Johnson, 1982). The regulated financial sector working in tandem with the government and business corporations led to a stable and steady integrated economic system which allowed the economy to flourish. The Japanese banking system had a critical role to play in this phase. Not only did the banks act as corporate governing bodies, they also played roles or rescuers when enterprises where in financial difficulties. By providing loans to enterprises that were investing in sectors with strong growth potential these banks shared the risks in similar vein to venture capitalists (Wade, 1999). But in the decades of the 1970’s and 1980’s the fast growing ec onomy compelled by the global environment of market integration had to modify its structure and attempt to adjust to the new environment. Growing domestic businesses gradually had a lower requirement to borrow from the domestic banking system. Circumvention of financing from external sources coupled with developing asset markets through the accumulation over the earlier decades led to alterations in the capital flows and liberalization of the financial sector followed (Noguchi, 1998). In the latter half of the 1980’s decade such liberalization resulted in a lack of adequate tightness in monetary conditions which in turn led to an asset oriented initial upturn and economic boom but finally the asset bubble got burst and this opened the floodgates for Japan’s economic woes. Due to the depressed market conditions the 1990’s have been famously coined as the â€Å"lost decade† (Takahashi, 2011). Since the early 2000’s the Japanese economy has been in th e process of trying to recover through market oriented reforms but no remedy to the ailment which continued to make the economy weaker and the recent global financial crisis has only worsened the situation (see figures 1 to 3). Figure 1 Figure 1 above shows the path of real GDP over time. Evidently the climb is steeper and more steady until 1990 since when evidence of volatility is observed and the slope is flatter as well. A substantial dip is also visible in the mid 2000’s. Figure 2 Figure 2 reveals that the percentage of annual GDP growth has actually been quite volatile. However, more noticeably there is a downward trend in the series and the growth rate has decelerated to negative values over the last few years. Figure 3 Finally figure 3 shows the average growth rate for the four decades since 1970. Evidently the performance was substantially lower in the decade of the 1990’s and to add to the woes of the economy, the growth rate has been even lower in the 1st dec ade of the 2000’s. The economy is still in quest for attaining a system that has the advantage of institutional complementarities as it once had in its golden era of growth. Substantial amounts of research has established that the degree of competitiveness has important bearing on economic growth and

What influences that Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir have had Research Paper

What influences that Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir have had on the perception of French intellectual - Research Paper Example On the other hand, the philosophy of existentialism with Jean as its proponent is base d on the universal existence and personal decision making of individuals. It is crucial to note that it stresses that people are entirely at liberty and as such, they hold the full responsibility of what they make of themselves. Thus, the two philosophical propositions endeavor to examine the impacts they had in the French intellectual platform as the core mandate of this paper. The French society, both informed and non-informed, was characterized by a sense of subjugation of the female gender which was always referred to as being second to the ‘other’. This is exemplified by virtue of the roles played by the two genders and female scholars’ perception of the apparently prevalent male chauvinism. With a closer reference to Simone’s publication of the Second Sex, it is evident that the first the first wave of feminism is characterized by female suffrage and property ownership rights (Sartre, 2015). The feministic approach put forward by Simone influence .the belief of the French intellectuals to belief in the inclusion of sexuality, reproduction rights, work affairs and familial restructuring to be part of the second wave of the feministic agenda. This was mainly aimed at widening the scope of rights that the female gender wanted to enjoy if their struggle for equality would be fruitful thereof. Additionally, the two philosophical works influenced the determination of the female gender to acquire radical freedom. This kind of radical freedom is further cemented by Jean Jean’s assertion of living in ‘bad faith’. Bad faith here is an assumption that people allow themselves to be ruled by principles that are imposed on them from the outside world. This formed the foundation of the second wave of feminism in which the French

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Research - Essay Example Speaking in the terms of economics we need to strengthen first the factors of production to set up a new venture namely land, labour, capital and organization; be it either service oriented or manufacture based or even trading. The first and foremost necessity is the project with clear layers of strategic growth. One has to acquire land that covers building and machinery for the initiation. After the acquisition of the land, the entrepreneur has to move on proper legal documentation such as â€Å"Registration of the Firm†. Once the registration is done furnishing its source of fund, annual estimated turn over, chain of man power and delegation of responsibilities we can precede further. Then it is important needs to the source of raw materials that have to be procured from the possible cheapest region with the lowest cost of transportation. Eventually we need a clear road map to market our product. Thus, every entrepreneur set the bridge of profit across the flow of the possib le consumers.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What influences that Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir have had Research Paper

What influences that Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir have had on the perception of French intellectual - Research Paper Example On the other hand, the philosophy of existentialism with Jean as its proponent is base d on the universal existence and personal decision making of individuals. It is crucial to note that it stresses that people are entirely at liberty and as such, they hold the full responsibility of what they make of themselves. Thus, the two philosophical propositions endeavor to examine the impacts they had in the French intellectual platform as the core mandate of this paper. The French society, both informed and non-informed, was characterized by a sense of subjugation of the female gender which was always referred to as being second to the ‘other’. This is exemplified by virtue of the roles played by the two genders and female scholars’ perception of the apparently prevalent male chauvinism. With a closer reference to Simone’s publication of the Second Sex, it is evident that the first the first wave of feminism is characterized by female suffrage and property ownership rights (Sartre, 2015). The feministic approach put forward by Simone influence .the belief of the French intellectuals to belief in the inclusion of sexuality, reproduction rights, work affairs and familial restructuring to be part of the second wave of the feministic agenda. This was mainly aimed at widening the scope of rights that the female gender wanted to enjoy if their struggle for equality would be fruitful thereof. Additionally, the two philosophical works influenced the determination of the female gender to acquire radical freedom. This kind of radical freedom is further cemented by Jean Jean’s assertion of living in ‘bad faith’. Bad faith here is an assumption that people allow themselves to be ruled by principles that are imposed on them from the outside world. This formed the foundation of the second wave of feminism in which the French

Confucius and Virtue Essay Example for Free

Confucius and Virtue Essay One word could garner every stroke of brilliance, every riddle composed and every thought that circled within the most influential sage, Confucius. The word â€Å"Shu: never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself,† expresses one rule that any individual could follow and practice (176). It encompasses areas of one’s life like intellect, relationships and behavior, but more importantly it begins to describe the concept of virtue and we can obtain it. In view with Confucius, virtue can be defined as morality possible within an individual. Virtue can be taught through the formation of habit and by respecting those around you as you would expect them to do as well—simultaneously garnering necessary traits such as honor and humanity that satisfy an individual’s life. To further extend the definition of virtue, morality should be defined. However, the exact definition of morality—just like virtue—will forever be contemplated. From Confucius, I gathered a few traits I believe to exemplify morality or Humanity as Confucius describes. One aspect is the ability to recognize what is good and then accomplishing these good things. Just as Confucius states, â€Å"Choose what is good and follow it,† comprehension and application in accordance to morality is vital to the definition of virtue (Confucius 72). Since virtue is something we, as erroneous humans, may never be able to obtain or reach, then the way to distinguish it is through experience or daily life. We observe virtue and are able to simply imitate it. Confucius himself exclaims that he â€Å"has no hope of meeting a truly virtuous person,† (73). Another aspect to define virtue is through gaining contentment in the individual’s life. Accepting one’s circumstances and finding peace in this leads an individual to Confucius’s Way, or true virtue. If someone had the ability to accept life as its handed to them, then their mind wouldn’t be concerned with things outside of their control. This is important to the acceleration of virtue because one’s own virtue is within their control, and if the focus is not outside of their control, it would be easier to observe virtue and then implement it into their lives. Security within the individual begins to form and â€Å"when the roots are secure, the Way is born,† (3). Both aspects, goodness and contentment, lead to observation and application of virtue, which is exactly how the individual can define of identify virtue. â€Å"but if you don’t put into practice the Ritual, then no good will come of it. † In order for virtue to be implemented into an individual’s life, the formation of habit must be derived from the application of virtue, or goodness. The formation indirectly helps to fulfill the completion of good behavior and intellect in an individual’s life. First, the connections of practice and teaching through behavior should be incorporated. For example, Confucius’s, The Analects, was gathered together by his followers. His great ideas about would have ever reached the people if he had not taught. More importantly, it shows how the applications of his writings are successful. Whatever he spoke of, he tried to implement in his life and that only supports the need for an individual to practice these items of virtue in their lives. The idea of practicing virtue is said to â€Å"never look [listen, speak or move] without Ritual,† and that would entail to constantly apply ritual, practice and procedural actions. In fact, Confucius’s concept of Ritual has more to do with habits and procedures than the religious aspects. Its respect of customs and practices allows individuals to become humane and honorable—which are aspects of virtue. This is demonstrated when Confucius says, â€Å"put what you have learned into practice,† (3). When that quote is connected with â€Å"the noble-minded are well versed in culture (culture also means learned in other translations) and well-grounded in Ritual, so how could they ever go wrong? † a clear purpose for practice is shown because learning in Ritual is viewed as a way of discipline to express those ideas (humanity and honorability) of virtue (61). Therefore, when this combination is practiced, virtue is then among the individual’s behavior satisfying that part of the soul. If they are able to control behaviors and practices through ritual and learning, then the intellect is challenged with virtue as well. Application infuses both behavior and intellect of the soul; practice is vital to obtaining and satisfying virtue within an individual’s life. Confucius’s â€Å"Golden Rule†Ã¢â‚¬â€respecting others as one wishes to be treated—is the key to a virtuous life because a way of obtaining virtue is through observation and practice. This is nearly impossible without the influence of another virtuous person. If virtue is exemplified through humans and our actions, then the observations made by an individual on the path to discovering virtue would be from another. This continuum is demonstrated through Confucius himself, as he teaches and â€Å"never refuse[s] to teach anyone,† but also through honor for elders (68). Parents, ancestors and elders are all crucial to the growth of a child and how he observes virtue. By implementing behavior, meaning regarding them with respect, the child learns necessary traits of virtue than can be further developed. To support the idea of respect Confucius boldly states that â€Å"everyone can feed their parents—but without reverence, they might as well be feeding animals,† (13). No one can observe and behave virtuous if they have no form of hearth for virtue. In addition to the necessity of observation and practice, the Golden Rule is also about finding virtue within love and humility. Both love and humility are selfless acts; their truest forms cannot be corrupted by greed, selfishness or inhumane ideals. Just as Confucius exclaims, â€Å"love the whole existence of things,† it brings forth connections and relationships that satisfy the soul (4). Virtue is expressed through these relationships by the respect and selfless acts because they are recognized as good. Good is synonymous with the idea of virtue, so it enforces the observations one can make of virtue in everyday life. Taking care of others creates one of the few truest bonds, and that represents virtue because of its truth and simply put: goodness. Being virtuous needs to be incorporated into everyday life/situations, and once you have begun virtue within yourself, the only other missing aspect of life is the life an individual shares with another; stringing together practice, relationships and intellect. Sharing virtue in life is accomplished through the Golden Rule by showing or being the example of virtue: â€Å"if you want to make a stand, help others make a stand,† (62). Virtue is not about oneself so by respecting others; one grows closer to understanding virtue. Treating others the way you want to be treated strings together behavior, relationships and intellect because others are involved: an individual observes and analyzes someone else’s virtuous actions, then begins to practice their own, and eventually respects and connects with others. This cycle is evolved through separate aspects of one’s life and in conjunction with others. If â€Å"only the humane can love people,† and humanity is a trait sprouted from virtue, then virtue must always be accompanied by some sort of interaction with others (33). Although Confucius’s idea of virtue incorporates how relationships, behavior and intellect are developed in an individual, it does not properly address emotion. Emotion can play a large role in how people think, act and connect; therefore, alter one’s ability to obtain virtue. Aristotle’s means of extreme seems to resonate well with emotion because it addresses the need for humans to stay balanced and in control—which would be beneficial to Confucius contentment and security in one’s self. Aristotle’s explains the men as â€Å"its character is to aim at what is intermediate in passions and in actions† (Aristotle 386). Aristotle’s idea of a moderation of emotions (passions) would allow an individual to stabilize themselves and stay focused on virtue. This is important because the foundation in which virtue begins to grow, according to Confucius, is when acceptance and contentment are present in one’s life. Once contentment occurs, the focus is more on loving others. This allows Confucius’s idea that â€Å"noble minded are never arrogant,† to become successful (Confucius 147). Through the use of balanced emotions, the individual can stay content and also stray from any arrogance, as emotions are focused on oneself. While virtue is true morality possible in humans, it can only be gained through practice and application of the Golden Rule—which leads to satisfaction within one’s life through concepts like humanity and Ritual. However, â€Å"Shu† will always be at the hearth of defining, applying and teaching virtue. Caring for others as we would want to care for us is vital to virtue in that it deals with a pure form of connection with others. Virtue is transported from individual to individual, and is therefore a large attribute to connections and relationships we have in life. With this, may Shu be with you.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Social and Ethical Responsibility: New Belgium Brewery

Social and Ethical Responsibility: New Belgium Brewery Introduction How do we judge if a company is good or bad? There are many ways that can be used to define greatness. The company might pay out high dividends to investors or the company may have a huge net income on its monthly yearly statements. Really there is an endless amount of ways to judge how good or bad a company is doing, but probably one of the most critical ways to decide if a company is first-class is how ethically and socially responsible the company is. One such company that not only meets these standards but exceeds them is New Belgium brewery. In the following case study we will answer the following questions, how would you describe operations management at new Belgium, why is it important to engage employees in ownership to enhance quality and efficiency, what does alternatively empowered mean to you, and do you think New Belgiums focus on environmental responsibility and sustainability in its production process is a major cost or benefit that enhances profits of the company. Aft er reading this case study you will be able to judge for yourself if New Belgium is a great company by meeting its social responsibility be lessening the companys ecological foot print. 1. How would you describe operations management at New Belgium Brewing? New Belgium Brewery has an open book management policy which means that its employees can see the companys financial statements, and can take part in making decisions for the company. New Belgium Brewery provides financial training to its employees, in order for them to understand how to make sense of the business side of business. The employees also have a say in the production of new types of beers that are being introduce to the public. Employee contribution affects the companys profitability, from the different brewed beers they choose to produce to their vote on company projects. In 1995, New Belgium Brewery designed themselves a state of the art custom-built facility. They ensure quality and productivity in their products, and also the efficient and environmentally friendly way the beer is produced at their plant. Quality assurance is critical in operations management, especially when it will be produced in large volumes. It is difficult to maintain a consistent product, but in the brewery employees constantly monitor every step, from receiving the hops, to brewing and finally bottling to ensure the highest possible quality of its product. At New Belgium Brewery their employees expertise, knowledge and their passion helps the companys profitability. By having cutting edge technology implemented in their plants thanks to the vision of the companys management and employees has helped the company to cut costs and also help the environment in the process. 2. Why is it important to engage employees in ownership to enhance quality and efficiency? Employee involvement is creating an environment in which people have an impact on decisions and actions that affect their jobs. Employee engagement is not the goal nor is it a tool, as practiced in many organizations including The New Belgium Brewery. At New Belgium Brewery employee engagement is the key ingredient in High Involvement Culture. They consider ideas from over 300 unique perspectives with their coworkers. This helps the Brewery to operate more intelligently while recognizing everyones unique gifts. Forty three percent of New Belgium is owned by the employees through an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan). After one year of employment with the company, employees become employee-owners, which give them an interest in the success of the company. Source: Textbook pg 404 New Belgium opens all of the books to employees and provides financial training so people can understand the business of doing business. Trusting each other with this level of detail also helps them to feel appreciated, empowered, and ultimately more fulfilled. Employees have the opportunities to ask questions, provide feedback and share their ideas with one another. Engaged employees create loyal customers who in turn create Bigger Profits. Richard Branson at Virgin says: We embarked on consciously building Virgin into a brand which stood for quality, value, fun and a sense of challenge. We also developed these ideas in the belief that our first priority should be the people who work for the companies, then the customers, then the shareholders. Because if the staffs are motivated then the customers will be happy, and the shareholders will then benefit through the companys success. Sources: The New Belgium Brewery employees are considered area leaders, and everyone is responsible to ensure that each product is of the highest possible quality and ensuring that quality remains high. In other words, it is very important to New Belgium Brewery to engage employees in ownership to enhance quality and efficiency for the companys success and benefits for everyone who worked hard to improve and growth of the company. 3. a) What does Alternatively Empowered mean to you? What being alternatively empowered means to me is doing activities in a way that minimizes social and environmental impacts by protecting natural resources. For instance activities like reusing and recycling bottles and cans, reducing paper by using e-bills and turning off equipment not in use to save energy, and reduce water by reprocessing and filtering. These three examples reduce costs while allowing them to carry out tasks efficiently and productively. Respecting coworkers and employees is also important, this gives motivation to everyone involved in a business to feel responsible and get involved in their job. Utilizing and preserving natural, technical, human resources by minimizing the costs to ensure quality and progressive results while making any business decisions. Therefore, coming up with quality outcomes in an effective way is what alternatively empowered means to me. b) Comment on New Belgium Beliefs are related to being Environmental Stewards? Todays growing industrialization and development has resulted in pressures on the environment. Therefore its a businesss responsibility to conserve them, New Belgium Strives to care for the planet on which they sustain their business. New Belgiums method of reducing coal-fired electricity prevents air pollution. Burning coal is the leading cause of smoke, acid rain and global warming; most heart and breathing disorders results from coal power. New Belgium supports innovative technology by utilizing their facilities, they have also employed an innovative waste water reclamation plan, and this allows them to use waste water to create some of its own energy. New Belgium also supports involvement of their employees, each employee acts as an owner within their own departments, which contributes to their successful environmental project implementations. c) Utilized Green Design throughout our Building By starting so small, New Belgium was able to be more focused into the quality of the beer and any decisions that needed to be made almost in an instant. But with a lack of resources, their process at the time was not efficient in meeting their demands from consumers. By the time they were able to purchase a new location; they designed a state-of-the-art custom built facility and is considered more efficient than standard brewers. With the new available resource, they were able to increase production efficiently while maintaining the quality their customers expect. Taking advantage of the abundant sunshine in Fort Collins, the company maximizes the amount of light produced by the sun with sun-tubes, UV blocking windows, and light shelves. Using evaporative coolers to condition their 55,000 square foot packaging hall instead of compressors uses less energy which lowers the power consumptions, and in it return reduces costs. Pine beetles kill 98% of their lodge pole pines, so New Belgi um uses the fallen trees as materials for various jobs. Maximizing their productivity, the company can fully utilize their facilities and employ new and innovative technologies such as the waste water reclamation plan, which converts the waste water from the plant into energy that can be used in the factory. With other major brewers already established, the technology New Belgium acquired goes a long way in giving the company an edge over its competitors by lowering their power consumption, reducing their costs, carbon foot print, and being recognized within their community as a green company. d) Wind -Powered Electricity since 1999 Becoming the largest private consumer of wind-powered electricity in 1999, New Belgium made a ten year commitment to buy all of their electricity through the city-sponsored wind program in Colorado. Un-wanted judgment from the community reflexes bad on a company and destroys its reputation so New Belgium goes out of their way and employs wind power as a source of power. Instead of polluting the environment and continuing their commitment, also reducing unnecessary cost and improving efficiency. Sustaining this mandate as a leader in green efficient energy brewers, many other brewers may follow in their carbon free foot prints and continue to grow and expand as a newer, smarter, and greener industry. As a work in progress, there are many other technologies that can be implemented in the business as another step to be more green such as solar panels on the roof from the sun, or capture heat underground as geothermal and reducing their heat bill while staying nice and toasty during the winter times. With much improvements over the years as a green leader in the brewing business, leaving the pollutant past behind and leading the way with a greener future is beneficial for both the industries and consumers. 4. Do you think New Belgiums focus on the environmental responsibility and sustainability in its production process is a major cost or benefit that enhances the profits of the company? New Belgium Brewerys focus on environmental responsibility and sustainability during its production process is a major benefit that enhances the profits of the company. New Belgiums focus on the environment has helped the company grow their customer base as well as their brewery, by using such technologies as wind power, water recapture, turning waste water into energy, energy efficient brew kennels, spent grain going to a local cattle farm, 98% landfill diversion rate, constructing the factory from reclaimed timber, and recapturing steam are among some of the methods New Belgium uses to be environmentally friendly. These choices that New Belgium brewery has made have helped to grow the brewerys clientele. This has been done with much success because of all the attention that is being given to the health of our planet. By being the first brewery to adopt such methods in the United States, New Belgium was able to gain consumers from other more prominent breweries through environmental stewardship, and in turn the customers have given New Belgium their unwavering support. As it turns out going green does cost money, but it actually saves money in the long run, and has made New Belgium extremely profitable. This is obvious from New Belgiums humble beginnings in a basement to its new brewery state of the art brewery; this can also be seen because New Belgium is the third largest craft brewery and ninth largest brewery in the US. New Belgium Brewery has secured its place in the American brewing industry and will continue to gain a loyal following in the future thanks to cutting edge technology, it can produce the highest quality product while at the same time being sustainable. The outcome of this is very big profits Conclusion To wrap things up, New Belgium Brewery is ethically responsible to its employees and socially responsible through its environmental stand point that is instilled in the company from its infancy to maturity. New Belgium is a first-class company by these standards of being ethically and socially responsible as was shown through the management, employee ownership, environmental responsibility sustainability, and earning profits at the same time. Will New Belgium be able to meet and exceed its ethical and social responsibilitys? That remains to be seen, but if New Belgium Brewerys past and present have bearing on the future then the company probably will.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Xessorilic!ous Introduction: Accessories an essential part of all brands in the shop, it creates personal look and determine the women's character. girls adore new fashion and surf on the web site. Xessorilicious is a way of communicating with world of fashion. Executive Summary Our business about women's fashion accessories. The location of our booth is strategic; it is in business beside opposite of the cafeteria. The product that we have sold are necklaces, bracelet, anklets, and earrings . We will need capital of 3000 AED. It will come with outcome of big profit and affordable fascinated products. Business Description We started our project collecting information about suppliers who allow us to take a look of their accessories, so that we can take a decision whether it is suitable for us or not. Later on we found a woman who allow us to take a look of what she have and took an appointment with her. After searching several days, we have found exactly what we are looking for.The woman was delighted to purchase them immediately. Team Leader : Moaza Mohammad Khadem. Contact number: 050-5480459. Email address: Mission Statement Every woman has a way to shine, and try to find her own way to learn. In order to get elegance, there is the big obsession with perfection. Fashion accessories Is no longer seen as additions, but our jewelry proven itself. Goals and Objective We got objective for our business which is measurable and achievable. Accessories was chosen for the huge acceptable in the market by the ladies, easiness to get it and availability of all kinds and shapes and colors. (See Appendix 5 ) Summary : We have worked hard over 3 consecutive days and we have sold more than half ... ... were taught new thing they add it in their entity. Financial Projections a- Financial Statements b- Sales Forecast (Please see Appendix-3 for Layout Schematic) Loan or Investment Proposal For our business we need the money to buy the things and for the expenses (Rent for the booth , decoration , insurance ). However the amount of the expenses is AED 1,150 and the buying cost for our product AED 3,350.The Source of fund Personal savings each one of our group paid the same amount as the budget that we bought it for our business. We are 4 student each of us paid AED 1,125 the total amount is AED 4,500. Conclusion: In conclusion, after this perfect experience we have held a meeting with the group and decided to donate our bazaar profit to Friends of Cancer Patients, (FOCP) is one of the leading cancer organizations in the UAE. References:

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Letters to Martha :: Charlotte Perkins Gilman Bibliography

Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Letters to Martha In January 1890, after two and a half years of depression and mental illness, Charlotte Perkins Stetson began to keep her journal again. Basking in the "steady windless weather" of Pasadena and the support of her friend Grace Channing, Charlotte slowly regained her strength, ambition, and ability to write. Concentrating on a new life on a new coast, her first brief entries express each day's essential details. On January 20, she says only "Began writing with Grace†¦". Charlotte does not record that on that clear, sun-shot Californian day, her thoughts turned once more to frigid New England and a friend from a former life. Despite her exhaustion, Charlotte gathered up a pile of stationery and began to write in a refined version of her usual scrawl. "Dear Martha", she wrote, "You knew and loved me once. You do not know me now, and I am not sure that you would love me if you did†¦ I have grown and changed wildly, darkly, strangely, beyond a mother's recognition, beyond my own." Perhaps here Charlotte paused, raised her head, and, contemplating her moonlit grove of orange trees, pondered Martha's reaction to her bold statements. Although these words were painful, Charlotte would not soften them for the sake of her gentle, distant friend. Bound still by a pact of "mutual understanding" nine years old, Charlotte owed Martha complete honesty in "word and deed". Nine years ago, before courtship, marriage, and childbirth, Mrs. Charles Lane of Hingham Massachusetts was simply Martha Luther and Charlotte's dearest friend. Their friendship began in 1878 when Charlotte was seventeen and Martha was sixteen. Both girls lived on the East Side of Providence: Charlotte on Manning Street and Martha on Arnold. They shared a love of reading, a desire to write, and had experienced a similar tragedy: the loss of a father. Martha's father, John Luther, died when she was fourteen. During Charlotte's childhood, her parents' separation reduced her father to a mere correspondent and occasional provider. Charlotte's numerous letters, diaries, and autobiography characterize her own mother as overly strict, disapproving, and physically distant. In her autobiography, The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Charlotte wrote that, denied affection from her mother as a child and adolescent, Martha became one of her "first memories of loving any one". At seventeen, athletic and energetic Charlotte roamed the streets and hills of Providence. One day she would attend a class at the Rhode Island School of Design, the next she would stride down the hill to browse through the shops, or go for a rousing, giddy carriage ride in Roger Williams Park with a pack of friends.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Conflicted Society Essay

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the novel â€Å"Things Fall Apart†, Chinua Achebe challenges the reader to actively engage in the analysis of issues raised throughout the text. Achebe brings the issue of tradition versus change to the forefront of Umuofian society for the reader to examine. Achebe shows the reader the gradual downfall of the main character, Okonkwo, through his refusal to accept change in his society. Achebe also brings about the controversial issues dealing with masculinity in Umuofian society. Okonkwo rejects anything that he feels is â€Å"womanly† and thus seals his own demise. Achebe shows the reader that acting â€Å"manly† doesn’t necessarily make one a man. By simplifying the issues within Umuofian society and the conflicted Okonkwo, Achebe paints a clear picture of the consequences of closed-minded societies, and the people who exist within those societies. Okonkwo and his Umuofian society are strong believers in tradition, and continually ignore the need for change throughout the novel. In a deal with a neighboring village, Okonkwo becomes the illegitimate father to a boy named Ikemefuna. Over time, Okonkwo comes to accept the boy, finding him to be an ideal son. While Okonkwo is fond of the boy, he never shows any affection toward Ikemefuna. After three years of living with Okonkwo and his family in Umuofia, Ikemefuna is murdered by the man that he treated as his father and other men in the village simply because the â€Å"Oracle† told a village elder that the boy must die. Rather than challenge what his society is doing, Okonkwo goes along with his clansmen and takes part in the death of Ikemefuna. In his dying moments, Ikemefuna runs to Okonkwo for protection, but Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna because he refuses to question the ideals of his fellow villagers, and does not want to appear weak. After Okonkwo is exiled from Umuofia for accidentally killing another young man in the village, the reader still sees a reluctance to embrace change in society. Now living in his motherland, Mbanto, Okonkwo and his family are met with missionaries that have travelled to the village to share Christian beliefs with the villagers. The missionaries preach about the danger of worshipping false gods. The villagers reject the missionaries’ beliefs, simply because it is not what their fathers and grandfathers believed. The people of Mbanta cling to their pagan religion with complete closed-mindedness, rejecting the Holy Trinity and any other beliefs that differ from the traditional beliefs of their ancestors. Reverend James Smith, who is the leader of the missionaries, has his church burned to the ground because one of the villagers who converted to Christianity unmasked an egwugwu during a pagan ceremony, which the villagers believe to be the same as killing an ancestral spirit. Rather than be open-minded to other religions and beliefs, the villagers reject anything that is not what they are used to believing. They burn down Reverent Smith’s church to get rid of the villagers, and the new ideas that they preached. Okonkwo is not accepting at all of anything that seems feminine to him.   Okonkwo sets very strict boundaries with his daughter, Ezinma, simply because she is female. Even though it is his daughter, Ezinma, that knows her father the best, and that Okonkwo feels closest to, he keeps her at arms length. The feelings that Okonkwo has for his daughter are illustrated in the passage that states, â€Å"Okonkwo was very lucky in his daughters. He never stopped regretting that Ezinma was a girl (Achebe 172)†. Because Ezinma was a girl, even though she probably understood her father the best of any of his children, he pushed her away and avoided a close, loving relationship with her simply because of her gender. By pushing away Ezinma, Okonkwo is passing by a great opportunity to get to know his daughter and have a closer relationship with her. Simply because she is a female, he rebuffs her attempts to have such a relationship with her father. Another example of Okonkwo’s intolerance for â€Å"womanly† things is within his relationship with his son, Nwoye. Nwoye decides that he is going to go against his father’s wishes, and join the missionaries. Upon learning of Nwoye’s decision, Okonkwo sits down with his sons and tells them that, â€Å"I will only have a son who is a man, who will hold his head up among my people. If any one of you prefers to be a woman let him follow Nwoye now while I am alive so that I can curse him (Achebe 172)†. Okonkwo would rather drive away his own flesh and blood than to have them be who they really are, and accepting them for all that they are, and all that they aren’t. By pushing away his son simply because his aspirations differ from those that Okonkwo would have for him, Okonkwo is creating a very large crack in the foundation of his family. Once a child is told that his father isn’t proud of him, it is very difficult to rebuild any relationship. Okonkwo would rather maintain a â€Å"manly† appearance than accept his family for who they are. Chinua Achebe’s novel, â€Å"Things Fall Apart† addresses the always controversial issue of tradition versus change, and shows his readers how a failure to be open-minded and accepting of new ideas can lead a one into a vicious cycle of making mistakes. Achebe also addresses the issue of masculinity versus femininity in the novel. Through the actions of his main character, Okonkwo, the reader realizes that simply because a man is â€Å"tough† does not necessarily mean that he is a good, respectable man, even if he is highly regarded within his own society. Achebe’s novel brings these issues that exist within African society, and allows the reader to see the consequences of rejecting change through the absolute demise of the main character of the story, Okonkwo, and the subsequent effects of rejecting new ideas and beliefs on society in general. Works Cited Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New York: Anchor Books, 1994.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Customer LIfestyle and Behaviour

According to ‘DC, it is important for local companies in Malaysia to have a good understanding of the marketplace for their products and their target customers before engaging themselves in online retailing to ensure that they are able to develop more effective ND meet the requirements and expectations of their online shopping customers (Deadline Chug AFAIK Hard, All. Kuwaiti, and Husbanding bin Small, 2006) Demographic influences online consumer behavior Demographic based on variables like age, gender, income and occupation which can influence consumer behavior dramatically.Age Graph 1: Statistic for Malaysian Online Shopping- Age Sources: http://humanities. Com. My/blob/online-shopping-statistics-in- Malaysia. HTML Graph 1 above shows the Malaysian online shopping which affected by age. Statistic shows the highest rank is 26 years old to 30 years old because most of hem are single and non-married nations and they have the ability to purchase in online shopping. However, the l owest rank of the age is 21 years old and below because majorities are students and they do not have financial to purchase products and services instead of their financial is control by their parents.Gender Figure 1: Percentages of gender in online shopping Sources: http://UCLA. Com/business-hemline-shopping-scenes tm_source=afterburner=feed=Feed:+Kclau+ In perception of genders, statistic shows that males (56%) are more active on online purchasing while the females (44%) are catching up. This is because most of males are sensitive in technology gadgets and they are better in purchasing convenience important products. Whereas, females purchase products emotionally and individually, which means most of the time they purchase clothes, shoes, bags, cosmetics etc.Especially females who are below 21 years old always purchase K-pop stuffs via online shopping. Income Table 1: Income in Malaysia Sources: http://www. acAcademiaedDueownload Figure above shows the average of MaMalaysianannual income. Nations who earned less than RMARMY000 will always enjoy online shopping because they can look for cheaper products. However, the frequency of online shopping will decrease if the income increasing because they have ability to purchase expensive and quality products Occupation Chart 1: Statistic for Malaysian Online Shopping maMalaysiahtHTMLigure above shows the statistic of online shopping.The statistic shows that top management executive always used to online shopping as they need to up-to-date for the new products, technologies and systems so that they can earn the profit and reduce the cost. However, most of the retired and unemployed nations are laggards and they are not familiar to online shopping. Online buying behavior There are Top 6 Online shopping sites in Malaysia. However, each online shopping site has their own characteristics and specialty. LeLongmyMynd eBay Malaysia are the most popular local auction in Malaysia that you can search for the cheapest price of g adgets, DSDSSSLameras, computers and fashions.Customers also can look for discount and great offer in this website. ZaAzaleamyMynd LuLovelaceashion are the most well-known boutique websites that every customer loves to browse especially females because they can buy a lot of clothes, bags and shoes without shipping cost and every purchased items will send to house. SuSuperblyalaysia is backed by MaMaybugor shop luxury and quality products online at affordable cost. Whereas BeBustyorld is the online shop for cosmetics, fragrances, skin care, make up and health care.Table 2: Summary of Top 6 online websites (self-made) Frequency of Shopping Online Table 3: Frequency of Shopping Online Sources: http://ssSSLaiApplobal. coComN/asAsiaxpress/archives/1090 Chart 2: Frequency of Shopping Online Sources: Self-made According to table 3 and chart 2, the highest percentage of frequency of shopping online is about once a month (24%) and the lowest percentage of frequency of hopping online is almos t every day (1 This is because MaMalaysianre busy in their work and family and there are some people who are still believe that the security still dangerous.Respondents purchase online Table 4. ; What respondents purchase online ; http://ssSSLaiApplobal. coComN/asAsiaxpress/archives/1090 Sources. Chart 3. Based on the table 4 and chart 3, clothes and fashion accessories are the highest percentage which MaMalaysianill purchase online because there are many types of cheap clothes and they can shop around before purchase. ZaAzaleamyMys the example f clothes and fashion accessories website. Figure 2: ZaAzaleamyMyources: http://www. zaAzaleacoComy/YHowever, the lowest percentage of purchase online is white (major) appliances such as refrigerator because consumers prefer to see the quality of the appliances more than the price. If the quality of appliances is higher and the usage is long, consumers will afford to purchase if the price is not so expensive. Reasons of purchasing online Base d on the pilot test, 73% of MaMalaysianre prefer to purchase clothes and fashion accessories because it is hard to find suitable clothes in a day and it is wasting of immimef they purchase via offline shopping.They can do some research like price, shipping cost, services and varieties of products from different website. Besides, 40% of MaMalaysianoves to purchase books from online because there are some books are not selling in Malaysia such as â€Å"DuDeducefrom China. These books are recommended by every Chinese teacher but due to the low demand, these are not supply in Malaysia. So, MaMalaysianho are interested in these books only can purchase via online. Moreover, they will save their money as they will only direct and focus on what they should purchase.Unlike offline shopping, MaMalaysianill buy additional items instead of purchase their needs and wants such as physical stores that use the product placement and sales to attract them to purchase items. In addition, there are 25 % of the nations will purchase toys from online like minions, piupchucknd etc. Furthermore, 24% of MaMalaysianrefer to purchase medical supplies and cosmetics through online because some of the medical supplies and cosmetics difficult to purchase in Malaysia as they have not be approved by Malaysia's government. Environmental factor drives/discourages of online shoppingEnvironmental factor include political (also includes legal) and social which will influence the online shopping. In Malaysia, there are some cyber laws to protect nations for example Digital Signature Act 1997, Computer Crime Act 1997, The Copyright Act 1997, The Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 and The Electronic Government Activities Act 2007 (NiKnitmoMostgoGobmyMy2010). Those are positive influence to nations who are decided to have online purchasing. However, social cases have affected consumer bebehaviorhat there are negative incidents were happened for online purchasing.For example, nations fear of online purchasing because it is not security via online transaction, which means there will be spsparen your computer like personal data and account number will be detected and stolen. Negative impact from the environmental factor will be hard to boost up Malaysia's economic. Moreover, It is hard to identify the quality of the product like most of teenagers nowadays prefer to buy K-Pops' albums, posters and so on through online and they feel angry and disappointed that the products that they purchased are not in good quality.Psychological factor drives/discourages of online shopping MaMoscowierarchy can be used to represent the psychological factors which developed by Abraham MaMoscown year 1943. MaMoscowierarchy shows the drives and discourages of online shopping. Figure 3: MaMoscowierarchy Sources: http://www. psPsychologicallycoComlblobide-and-seek/201205/our-hierarchy- needs MaMascotsierarchy is used because MaMalaysianeed to have a comfortable and easy lifestyle. After they know the n eeds and wants via online purchasing, they will ask for safety which is security in morality, family, health and resources.However, if they got the negative feedback from friends and family, they will not onuntiedo purchase products and services via online. Meaning, nations must go through first step which is physiological before they enter to other layers. China Demographic Age Figure 1: percentage of age purchase online Source: http://www. fzFizzlingcoComnfo/view/2011 _6/1 51020438. htHTMLrom the graph we can see that 18-30 years old people is the most percentage to choose online shopping, the age below 18 percentage is almost similar with age between 31 and 35. Ages at 36 above are less to choose online shopping.We also can see that age between 18 and 24 the percentage growth very fast. Basic this, we can now that in China, young people are more prefer online shopping than old people. Figure 2: percentage of income purchase online Source: http://www. emNearsightedlycoComouurinals htHTMLarArticled723343&sh0†². FhFifthhe online purchase group in China is more in low-income family. It is get 62. 9%. (Lower than CNCCNY000 per month); the middle incomes get 35. 5%. (Higher than CNCCNY000 but lower than CNCCNY0000 per month); and the high income family percentage lust 1. 6%).Gender Figure 3: Gender percentage of China online purchase. Source: http://www. liLionfishcoComcnCNNeb/oversea_show. asAspsArArticled34279 From this graph, we can see that online purchase in China, male is more than female. It is have different with our traditional concept. The male to female ratio was 5. 4: 4. 6, slightly more male consumers. Occupation Figure 4: Occupation percentage of online shopping Source: http://www. liLionfishcoComcnCNNeb/oversea_show. asAspsArArticled34279 For occupation, student this group is get percentage 20. 4%. Technical, worker and basic social worker almost get 39. %. However, the high level managers Just get 2. 2%. From there we can see that the distribu tion of Job, age, income is the same. Education Figure 5: Education of online shopping From this graph, we can see that the education has negative relationship with the percentage of online shopping. The more education level higher, they will lesser online shopping. Online buying behavior There are a lot of online shoppers in China. But mainly market is share by around 9 brand of online shopping company. The first place for China online market is TmTamaleIt can get around 50. 8% market shares.And the second place is JiJinglingIt can get around 17. 1% market shares. The third place is TeTangentIt can get around 5. 6% market shares. The details are as below: Figure 6: market shares of China online sales Source: http://www. chCinematographiccoCom836/china-online-shopping-market- snapshot-for-q2sq013/ Frequency of item purchase online Figure 6: Frequency of purchase online in China Source: http://www. reArchdiocesancoComtHTMLeport/2010/5970. htHTMLn China, most people online shopping ar e about twice to four times per month. And only 3. 8% people no shopping online experience.As this research, we can find that online shopping is very general in China Attitude Nowadays, online shopping becomes more and more popular in China. In these 10 years, more Chinese choose purchase online. Especially the young generation, they refer purchase online than shopping at store. During the survey, there are 47. 4% people prefer online shopping, 40% have no attitude and 12. 6% people dislike online shopping. (ReRestheHerscoCom2013) Some of people who have online shopping experience worried about the quality of the product and the post purchase service.During the survey, around 55% people worried about the quality, and 27. 1% people worried about the post purchase service. (ReRestheHerscoCom2013) So the most online shopping people's attitude is choosing the famous online shopping website and good evaluate shopping store. Reasons of making purchases Price Online product is always cheap er than the one in shopping mall. It is because online shopping can save the capital for rent store, transportation, and so on. And there is no agent to deduct a percentage from a sum of money. So the price is always cheap for customers.Compare For online shopping website, there are thousands of stores for the customer, and every store has different products for customer to choose. So the consumer can easily to compare the same product from different brand or store. It is better for consumer to make evaluation. Time Online shopping can save time for the people who do not have enough time for hopping. Shopping online Just clicks the mouse, and then you can purchase what you want. It is fast and easy for you. Environmental and psychological affect online shopping Environmental In China, the environmental pollution is a big problem.The automobile exhaust is the one reason leads that. So the companies provide the website for people shopping online. It can decline the pollution and make a healthful life style. For the customer, they also prefer online shopping. The environmental pollution is bad for the health. People inhale hazardous substance can lead many types of disease. The bad weather lsalsoan lead less shopping for sell in store. But online shopping will not have this kind problem. Whatever raining, snowing, or clouding outside, it will no effect of online shopping. For the company, it will keep the sale stabilized.For the online shopper, they can purchase their favorites product any time. So the environment can affect online shopping. Psychological Online shopping no needing use the real money, they usually use the credit card to pay. The customers do not have the behavior pay the real money, it will lead they have less conscious of money, thus no control for purchase. For the online shopping ommanyit is an advantage thing. But for customers, they usual regret after purchase. In another hand, online shopping have model to show the product to the consumers. The visual stimulation also is a point that leads more purchase behavior. People believe that the same effect of product will come to their own. Actually, different people suit for different things. Model has standard stature, and beautiful face. But not all the consumer has that. So we can see that the psychological also a point to affect online shopping. Japan Demographic influences online consumer behavior of Japanese in terms of age, ncincomegender and occupation (KoKettlend Keller, 2012). Age In terms of age, Japanese are mostly made up of generation of middle-age group of people.From the statistic shown below, Japan might not encounter the same issue of aging like Singapore as the number of young-born generation is increasing and there is a pro for Japan to accelerate their economic transformation. Figure: Average age of Japanese Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication Gender in Japan Figure: Average Gender in Japan From the graph above, it is vivid that the wom en dominated the Japan population, and then followed by men. There is about 25. 5 million of married couple which forms their family. Only a small part of people are in widow state.Disposable Income Figure: Disposable income of Japanese families It is analyzed that a family with a working head-of-household had a gross income of Yen 562,094. It is notable that the steep increase in disposable income in December. This is due to the year-end bonuses that Japanese workers received. Occupation and Lifestyle There are six type of popular occupation in Japan which is teacher, fisherman, models, physical therapist, engineer and chef. Japanese people enjoy a high standard f living, and nearly 90% of the population consider themselves part of the middle class.However, many studies on happiness and satisfaction with life tend to find that Japanese people average relatively low levels of life satisfaction and happiness. Japan Consumer Online Shopping Behavior Figure 1. 0: Frequency of online sh opping in Japan Source: http://ssSSLaiApplobal. coComN/asAsiaxpress/archives/1090 From the analysis of the chart above, it can be identified that the online shopping behavior of Japanese is very active. 36% of the respondents will shop online for almost every week. The highest number of Japanese, about 18% will shop online for about once every two weeks.In general, Japanese online shopping is categorized as purchased online regularly as more of the people will be online shopping within a month. Figure 2. 0: Frequency of items purchased online in Japan From the above chart, it can be analyzed that most of the Japanese like to purchase the clothes and fashion accessories by online shopping. This is due to the modern thinking and Y-generation style. The second preferred items that Japanese purchase online are food and drinks. This includes the fast food restaurants as the people owdoodadsre very busy of their hectic life and work. After that, it is followed by books category.This inclu des the magazines, newspapers, e-books and so on. This is quite common among Japanese because they like reading pretty much. Meanwhile, stationeries and major appliances shared the same dividend of 5% respectively. Toys score the least for 4% because the parents are more likely to bring their children to buy the toys in shopping complex rather than online shopping. Reasons for Japanese to make such Purchases Generally, Japanese perceive online shopping to be convenience (71 %) and easy 29%), with 62% of the respondents claiming that online shopping is easier than shopping via offline catalogue and telephone (Freeze, 2000).In the pilot test survey, a questionnaire is distributed and the respondents are allowed to make more than one reasons of purchasing online. For Japanese, according to website of online shopping behavior in Asia(2013), 78% of the respondents indicated that secure payment facility and convenient payment methods are the driving force. This is because they are confide nt towards the money transfer between bank and mobile phone which needs deidentificationhen they purchase online.From the website of online shopping behavior in Asia(2013) too, 86% of the respondents viewed that price and value is the most important factors because many times for conventional shopping they tend to spend a lot more than the required expenses like eating out and trtravelingFrom the analysis too, it can be identified that Japanese are really not concerned about the reputation of the website and customer service of the website. For 82% of them provide opinions that low delivery charges will be their major concern since some of he websites provide free shipping of they purchase till certain amount of money (Freeze, 2000).Furthermore, Japanese are quite neutral towards the speedy transaction of the website. Plus, 70% of them are more focus towards promotional offers because they can find great deals everywhere, that made up for shipping and handling fees (Freeze, 2000). E nvironmental Factors Drives/Discourage Online Shopping Japan has always been perceived as one of the world's healthiest societies. Japanese consumers are increasingly conscious of their health. Despite the issue of pollution ndNDegree of polluted of environmental factor, Hawkins and MoMotherboards010) mentioned that Japanese more likely to purchase online.Besides that, they would not have the problem of finding a parking place. This means that environmental consciousness has been emerging and results in active online shopping in Japan. A survey conducted last year by the global advertising agency J. Walter Thompson found that 51 percent of Japanese consumers are more focused on the environment(ScCoffmannd KaSankt al, 2010). The survey found that the Japanese will buy environmental friendly products in the next five years extensively.